Mardi Gras at our house would not be complete unless we had Beausoleil playing in the background over a dinner of red beans and rice with collards and a bit of corn bread.  I was thrilled to find these new videos on YouTube from the Louisiana Music Factory.

Part I:

Part II:

Pass the collards and cornbread, please.

Once again we call upon Punxsutawney Phil to give us his prediction…and another excuse to wave the Terrible Towel.

It’s 50 degrees out here today.  You sure he had it right?!

Still think the whole thing is rigged!

This has been in circulation for awhile now, but last night was the first time I stumbled across this. 

Here is the 2008 Britian’s Got Talent audition of dancer Suleman Mirza (pictured left), with an unexpected twist:

Signature did not win, but since then they gained worldwide popularity and wish all the best for them.  They deserve it. Their website is

Apparently they appeared on the BBC show, Ready Steady Cook  just the other day and had a full episode online for a limited time.  But being on American soil, I could not view the episode.  

BBC needs to lighten up.  Some of us Americans think your programming is better than ours. I do not have cable and have to resort to watching programming online.  Then again the US media needs to do the same.

BTW:  Anyone know where I can download that soundtrack?!

I just finished reading the book Dewey, by Vicki Myron.  A nice fast read if you are a cat lover such as myself.  So here is the cat behind the book:

Our library is too small to have a cat.  The dander would keep half the town away.

My kids have been watching a Chinese New Year documentary they borrowed from the Library and now they run around the house with silk scarves tied together and holding a plastic milk crate to show a lion’s head.  Not bad for a couple of 4yo’s.

Here’s the real deal:

Kids!  No dancing on the stairs.

It was only a matter of time when a full video would come out.  Kudos to the crews of NY Waterways for such a speedy response (about 3 minutes after the plane came to rest on the Hudson).

Action starts 2 minutes into the video and the image is very small, but still an impressive site.

Thank the Maker that everyone is safe and once more showing the world that New York may be gruff, but they have a heart of gold when help is needed.

I just purchased my winter boots online for the first time on I thought, holy crow I am paying full price for these boots, but then I saw this video about their company culture and now I know where the money is going:

Here’s what I like about it.  The company may appear somewhat lackadaisical, but the customer service cannot be beat, the website for me was easy to navigate, getting a new account did not require me to jump through hoops or go through multiple pages and steps to make my purchase. I can buy shoes in 2 sizes, pick the one that fits best and send one back since there is free shipping both ways.

The company pays 100% in medical and dental benefits.  You are encouraged to improve yourself.  Free lunch if you want it. They do not outsource their customer service staff to India. I would gladly pay a premium for my goods just to help keep jobs in the US.  Not to mention they are part of, which for every purchase through the portal a portion of the sale goes to a participating non-profit of customer’s choice.  I just earned about $6 for my kids school! 

My boots were made in Canada, but at least it is not Chinese made.  

Suggestion to Zappos: Perhaps you can include in your item description as to where a product was manufactured. Some people do actually look for USA-made goods.

They say about 75% of Zappos sales come form repeat customers.  Stuffy old-school corporate boys take note!

Keep up the good work, Zappos!

Our family have become Dad Labs fans on YouTube and this week’s feature about Male Fertility had us rolling on the floor.

I have enough kids.  Where can I find a sauna?

Jib Jab’s takes on an edgy view of 2008’s Year In Review.  Definately PG-13 as some language sounds like profanity, but technically isn’t.  You will know what I mean when you see it.

Happy New Year, all.  Let’s hope for better times and better taste.

This shiksa has Jewish roots and I surprise many that I make a mean latkes.  So tonight I was making my delectable dish while listening to Radio Hanukah on XM Radio with my 4 yo and got to thinking there was probably a new generation of klezmer musicians out there and did a little digging.

I found this gem of a band called KlezFactor, which according to my untrained ear, combines musical elements of Klezmer, Rock, and Jazz.


Here’s another brilliant Klezmer/Jazz mesh from group Bar Kokhba and John Zorn of Masada

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